Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Carson,CA=> Duke - 6 year old Lab needs help

In the best interest of the animals in their time of great need, please refrain from altering or removing any original information from their pleas

"Not to hurt our humble brethren [the animals] is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission: to be of service to them whenever they require it." - Saint Francis of Assisi
Hello all,

I am reaching out for help with this sweet purebred yellow lab.  His story is below but I wanted to provide a brief background of the current situation.  As most of you know I specialize in helping seniors but sometimes step up to help hard to place dogs like these "bite" dogs who are not showing signs of real aggression but rather might have been acting out as any dog would depending on their situation.  I was networking this boy and a woman who does independent rescue said she had a friend who would adopt Duke. She vouched for her, said she does rescue work herself and had recently lost her lab.  The indie rescuer rescued the dog with the assistance of another rescue who was partnered with Carson and willing to sign the bite waiver. I paid for a weeks boarding until the adopter could come and pick up Duke and the indie rescuer facilitated the adoption. The adopter was not ideal at all, it was discovered she had 60 cats (hoarder) which of course was
too much for any dog and dumped him at vet boarding deciding immediately upon walking into her house it would not work.  She contact us and said was going to take him to the shelter in Bakersfield if we didn't do something.  The " indie rescuer" bailed and Victoria and I stepped up in order to keep him from being dumped again to die at a shelter in Bakersfield.  I arranged for Duke to go to a board and train program and covered his costs. Duke has now been in a board and train for about 6 weeks because we have no where for him to go. The trainer needs him out, he is taking up a training slot.  Duke needs a rescue who can help him find his forever home. He is highly adoptable, a beautiful yellow lab. The trainer says over and over "he is a great dog". They were never able to duplicate the bite, personally I am not sure he ever did bite.  How many times do owners make up excuses when dumping dogs? The shelter never saw signs of a problem and the
trainer tried for over a month to get him to bite to no avail.  His back story is below. Below is a link to a video of Duke made by the trainer.  behavior assessment is attached. He really deserves a chance and right now I am not sure where to turn for help getting him into a forever home.  Pete the trainer said he will discuss Duke with any rescue and will help facilitate an easy transition with an adopter. Thank you for your help.

Dukes training video:

Dukes story:
Duke is a 6 year old owner surrender that was turned in to the Carson shelter by his owners for "biting" an adult when a toy was being taken out of his mouth. A little background on Duke. His first owner kept him confined to a crate for extended periods of time and never exercised him. He was then given to another family, who thought having a backyard was sufficient exercise for a dog and never taught him any rules, boundaries or limitations. They indicated that when trying to take a toy from him he would not let go and would bite at them if they would forcibly remove it. Duke was networked by a group of us who felt he had been dealt a bad hand by his two former families. In the 10 or so days he was at the shelter, he never once exhibited any aggression towards any staff member. He was temp tested by the shelter staff prior to his neuter and he scored a B. Once Duke was out, he went to training at K9 -101 with Peter Rodrigues for 30 days. http://www.k9-101consulting.com/   Per the trainer Duke has done fantastic. He is an energetic dog that just needed training. They give and take toys and treats from Duke, with no problems at all. 

Thank you.

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