Wednesday, February 3, 2021

January Stray/Found intake - - LA County and City shelters

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LA County and LA City shelters have 288 Dogs, 76 Cats, and 30 'Other' for the month of January.
This does not include those that have been reclaimed, or adopted since intake.
These fellows did not plan to live their days in a shelter surrounded by strange noises and strange smells.
It is not their fault that they are there - - rotten luck has led them to this place..
Whether dumped as a "pet" or born as a stray, this is not the life for them..

there are already 91 dogs and 23 cats and 24 'other' just from February alone..

plus the 138 dogs from 10/16/2019-12/31/2020..
and the 21 cats from 03/19/2011-12/31/2020..
as well as 23 'other' from 05/26/2019-12/31/2020.
This is not their life.. making this just a stepping stone to finding their bestest life ever.

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