Saturday, October 19, 2019

Family kept "Rascal" for 15 years.. and then they moved away

the original post is available from Pet Rescue Report at

Family kept ‘Rascal’ for 15 years and then they moved away

For 15 years, Rascal was part of the family, but when they decided to move away, Rascal became dispensable. And so off to the East Valley Animal Shelter in Van Nuys he went. Rescue volunteers were appalled; one animal advocate trying to help Rascal find a new home expressed her outrage:
“His ex-family said that Rascal spent his life outdoors (evidenced by how dirty he is); he is gentle/tolerant with humans and dogs; he has some visual/hearing impairment. Did I mention he’s 15-****years-old?”
Rascal is a border collie and Australian shepherd mix. Click here for his adoption listing. RASCAL is at the shelter at 14409 Vanowen St., Van Nuys, CA. Please don’t keep him waiting. He is reported to be good with most dogs, children and adults. He has already been neutered and his current on his vaccinations.
“I’m confident that if everyone reading this post will Share, it will reach someone who would like to open their heart and home to RASCAL so that he may experience the comforts of being indoors and loved for his remaining time on earth.”
Follow Rascal’s plight here. Share his story with approved rescue organizations, friends, family and social media contacts. Sharing saves lives. Surely this dog deserves better.
For more information, contact the City of Los Angeles East Valley Shelter and reference #A1904732. (Ask for Bonnie at 818.430.5959.
Note: All inquiries about this dog must be made directly to the animal control agency. The Pet Rescue Report is NOT the point of contact. Thank you.


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