Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Dear Friends:
King is a victim of circumstance who has been branded hopeless and given 24 hours to live. I want to bring attention to King's plight because his plight is all too common. King was once a friendly dog that has turned unfriendly. He was surrendered by his owners for becoming aggressive. Now this kind of seismic shift in behavior does not happen spontaneously and without cause. Dogs have loyalty in their blood. They protect their owners tooth and nail. That's just a given. Putting two and two together, the only plausible reason for a dog to make a U-turn in his instinctual genetic behavior is if he's been beaten, abused or mistreated. And such is the story of King. He was victimized by his owners and now he has to pay the ultimate price for a crime he did not commit. I have a personal story identical to this. A few years ago, I went to the shelter and adopted a cat red listed for behavioral problems. This cat had the exact same behavioral alerts as King. In fact, he was a cat version of this dog in every way. This cat was described as lunging at humans, snarling and growling bearing all of his teeth, and unfriendly to humans. I adopted the cat a few hours before he was scheduled to be euthanized. All of the shelter staff recommended against it and warned me of making a terrible mistake. I felt compelled to give him a chance. When I brought him home, sure enough the cat was unfriendly, snarled and growled and lunged at me multiple times. But I knew there was an underlying reason for this behavior. I could see it in his eyes. First thing I did was to neuter him which changed his personality dramatically. Then I did everything I could to make him feel loved. I played with him, petted him, gave him treats and overwhelmed him with love and attention. Soon this cat became more docile and more meek than a kitten. Today he sits on my lap, cuddles with me in bed, and wont scratch me if his life depended on it! He's more shy than any cat I've ever seen. The moral to the story is that a behavior problem does not make the cat or dog disposable and should not be a death sentence. There is always an underlying reason for the problem which is always no fault of their own. All it takes is patience and the animal will become just as trusting and loving as any other domesticated animal, and even more so. When given love,  former abused animals over compensate and become even more loving and affectionate than any other animal. I speak from experience. Well, I'll pray that someone gives such a chance to King, a poor condemned dog, whose only crime was being abused by his owners............................ Chris
If you can help, PLEASE CONTACT
Melissa Rodrigues at EMAIL:
East Valley AC
14409 Vanowen St. , 
Van Nuys, CA 91405, 
Los Angeles, CA 90012, 
W: (818)-756-9323, 
KING A1950641


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